
natalie’s work is life-changing

In my first session with Natalie, I quickly realized that the work we were going to do together was going to be life-altering. Natalie’s loving and caring nature, her sense of humor, and her ability to pinpoint exactly where you are out of alignment make her the extremely gifted healer that she is. When Natalie first explained Family Constellations to me, I was totally freaked out by the concept. Even though it was unlike anything I had done before, being the curious spiritual seeker that I am, I wanted to see what it was all about. All I have to say is this: if you are on the path to understanding yourself, your family, the Universe, and you are craving to go deeper, this work is for you. Because of participating in Natalie’s groups for about a year now, I have mended my relationship with my mother, I feel deeply connected to my femininity, and I am able to share my voice more authentically and honestly. I want to do great work in the world and I now feel free of many of the chains that I felt were holding me back. If you have any curiosity about her work, try it out. it’s life-changing and I don’t use that term lightly. Natalie is a game changer, watch out world!