What do the Elections have to do with Family Constellation Therapy?
One of the main principles of FCT is the need for everyone to belong. Another principle is that, like them or not, we get a lot of beliefs from our parents. I am fairly political, and I can directly correlate that to my mother. We grew up watching Phil Donahue together (remember him?). Children look for ways to “belong” to their family and tribe and politics is one way we achieve this. The older I get, them more like my mom I become (sound familiar?). On a soul level, one of the ways that I bond with my mom, and feel closer to her, is through her political views. So yesterday, as I was a cheerleader for my “team”, I was, on a deeper level, feeling more united with my mother, which was even more of a reason to celebrate.
A secondary tribe that we have is our friends and community, which no doubt, is also very important to find our place of belonging. While living in Indiana, I was not nearly as verbal about my political beliefs as I am here in NY. For the most part, in NYC, I know my views will be received and that I will have a tribe that agrees with me...in Indiana, if I stuck my neck out, I would have been abandoned by my tribe, and worse, attacked. On a soul level, I would have felt unsafe and possibly that I would die, based on biology. Keeping this in mine, it is nearly impossible to try to change someone’s political view, because in essance, you would be asking them to betray their tribe…not likely to happen or else they might get kicked out and left “to die”.
So, I am curious...do you adopt the same political views as your parents? How about your secondary tribe? Has that made you feel closer or more vulnerable to your tribes (depending on your spin)? Please let me know!
Now, between the hurricane, the election, and the imminent nor’easter, I suspect most of you are EXHAUSTED! When there is an external hurricane and roller coaster, there comes an internal one as well, so don’t be so hard on yourself is you are shaken up…it is normal and hopefully, the dust will soon settle. Practice good self-care the upcoming weeks and perhaps consider joining one of our exciting healing opportunities!
Exciting announcements and opportunities for healing:
Due to Hurricane Sandy, the retreat was rescheduled to Dec. 6-9! We now have two spaces left, so if you were feeling the pull to attend, but for whatever reason, could not, now is your opportunity just in time for Christmas, Chanukkah, and the New Year! Please click here for more info, and watch these videos one, two! You could even purchase this gift of healing for a loved one for the holidays!
Next Wed, Nov. 14, I am holding a general group family constellation session. Work on whatever suits your fancy! Please sign up ASAP to save your spot! Info: $50 ($20 deposit, and $30 at door), at Address: 520 Eighth Avenue (Bet. 36th & 37th Streets) 16th Floor, New York, NY 10018, Room 17A (take elevator to 15th floor and head upstairs).
I am re-launching my very successful 90-day intensive, starting Jan.1, 2013! This program is especially designed to unstick you in health, career, and relationships! Start the New Year with a BANG! Until Nov. 26, I am offering $197 off the program costs. Read more info here, and then feel free to call/email me for a free 15 min discovery session to see if this program is right for you…oh, and don’t forget to read here for some thorough and awesome client testimonials about the program!
Election Elation Special–$25 off an in-person session next week in my Manhattan office (Nov. 14 or 15 only). Must mention this discount when you make your appointment!
Thanksgiving Gratitude Offer— $30 off a phone session Nov. 23-27! Must mention offer at time of scheduling.
Also, exciting news! I went back to school a couple of weeks ago to get certified at a holistic health coach. As most of you know, I suffered from an eating disorder for 15 years, and now feel so liberated and have such a desire to liberate other women in this department. In about 6 months, I will be able to start with health/nutrition coaching! Also, I am really enjoying the program I am in, because it is not geographic or time specific, so I can go to school even in my busy schedule. If anyone feels called to maybe join the program (offered on a rolling basis), I’d be happy to talk with you more about the school to see if it might be a good fit for you.
Alright angels, I know this was a long email! So much going on–I even have a few more exciting things which I will reveal in the next email, so not to overload you…don’t want you to pee your pants! I leave you with a reminder about our personable responsibility in continuing to uplift the United States and the world…Obama is a strong man, but he cannot do it alone. What is one action step you can take this week as a contribution? Put it in your calendar, and do it..there is plenty to be done..even on a local level with the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy. Additonally, need a laugh? I made this silly 1 min video with my pups…hopefully it will help lighten the mood!
I’m wishing you all a beautiful timespan between now and my next newsletter.
Much love,