April Showers Bring May Flowers

April Showers Bring May Flowers

We live in a world where we want our cake and eat it too!  We want to exerience the beauty and splender of the blossoming flowers and greenery, yet we moan and groan when it rains.  Likewise, we want to live our best life, yet we aren’t too keen on experiencing the growing pains which lend themselves to lessons learned.  For many, we desire the best relationship, but we don’t want to work for it.  We yearn to be skinny, yet we aren’t willing to give up the junk food. We want to enjoy the diversity and livliness of NYC, but don’t want to deal with the prices and over-crowdedness.  Living in this way, in an adversary world, creates much turmoil in our souls.  We literally have two options in life: Accept something wholly, or change it…that’s it. We cannot have the fat-free muffin with all of the taste, and we cannot have the blossoms without the rain…literally and figuratively.

So, this spring, just as much as we crave the temperate weather, the blue skies, and the beautiful budding flowers, we must accept everything that comes with the spring.  All things possess the yin and the yang.  We must welcome the “dark side” so to speak, to see the light.  Believe it or not, non-acceptance is one of the most harmful and debilitating things we can do.  There is an old spirtiual story of a young warrior who moves to a cave to contimplate his “demons” or his “dark” sides.  He tries various methods to get rid rid of them…he’s mean to them, he’s nice to them, he tries to trick them…finally, all of his demons had left, except for the BIG DADDY!  This guy wasn’t going anywhere.  We all have our BIG DADDY (the one thing we cannot seem to shake, damnit), so I know you know what I’m talking about.  Finally, the young warrior sighed, surrendered, and fully accepted this demon as a part of him.  He stopped fighting it.  And guess what, the Demon disappeared.  The demon just wanted to be acknowledged and accepted whole heartedly…almost makes you feel bad for the little guy (notice he’s little now because he can no longer control and torment you).  Acceptance, therefore the opposite of rejection, refusal (to believe) and denial can set you free.  Acceptance keeps everything in balance…After all, we would not have these gorgeous tulips, magnolias and cherry blossoms that adorn our city right now without the rain showers.

The spirit of the flower incarnates to bring beauty and smiles to our faces.  Nature heals us through letting us marvel, with all of our senses, at the color these beings (yes, beings.  All living things have a spirit) selfishly bring into our lives.  The rain is an essential ingredient to the growth of these plants–without it, we cannot appreciate the allure and equisitness of spring, if we didn’t have the drab barron winter to compare it to. We often seperate ourselves from nature, but we are all one in the same.  We too are nature, and possess a unique beauty and misson.  Our purpose in incarnating is also to bring smiles to people’s faces and to learn from adversity.   In our lives, we also have rainy days which are crucial for our growth and development.  The significant other who broke our heart, the child who tests our patience daily, the loss of a job or a large sum of money, and even the death of a loved one, all serve as brilliant rainy days to help us grow.  All of these rainy days provide us the opportunity to germinate, develop and flourish in a very deep way.  In truly accepting and learning from these lessons, we can continue to evolve as a more seasoned and mastered soul.

I invite you, dear floweret, this April, to embrace the rain as nature does.  Look at those “painful” situations, those rainy day moment in your life, and truly offer them thanks.  Appreciate these opportunities to flower and bloom as a human, and therefore, on a soulful level.  Embrace these lessons, suck them in, integrate them, and transmute them into lovliness and grace the way the flower so readily and graciously receives the rain.  Truly allow these April showers to bring about your May (and beyond) flowers.


1) Bring out your inner, innocent, oblivious and wide-eyed child self.  Embrace, literally, the rainy day by jumping in puddles and splashing about.

2) Take a rainbow shower! On a hot day, nothing is better than riding your bike along the Hudson (or another body of water) while it is pouring rain.  Ask the water to cleanse and purify you.

3) Meditate in the park while it is raining, and ask the rain to rinse anything that no longer serves you and “see” and feel it being washed away to be drained and transmuted into mother earth for a higher purpose.

4) Water is the element of the 2nd chakra (Sacral Chakra) which governs emotions, sensuality, sexuality and creativity.  Allow the rain to hit your lower abdomen and ask that it heals any imbalances in this area.

5) Meditate daily in nature and ask the flowers, plants, and trees to assist you.  Ask for guidance on a “rainy day” moment or event in your life that you need to work through, become aware of, and release.

6) Cleanse your neurolymphatic points and meridians by receiving some delicious hands on healing.  Attend my Spring healing circle, (this  and other workshops) by visiting http://blog.sproutinglove.com/

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