Shit happens and will continue to happen. That is life. It is the way it has always been. But, your reaction to the shit that happens can make it a minor dollop and not a major blowout with a change of underwear, clothing, residence, etc. When you boil everything down, you only have one decision to make: Do I accept this, or change this? That’s as simple as it gets. Often times people see things as an outside force that HAPPENS TO THEM, rather than things being a manifestation of the inside force of God, or our creative selves. To me, I would rather believe in the latter, so that I feel self-empowered. Once we wrap our brains around the idea that we create our lives, and when we get past the initial shock over it and the ensuing accountability and responsibility, it is actually quite liberating and exciting!
With each worry that comes along, ask yourself “Is there a way I can change this?” More often than not, there actually is a way you can change the situation. And remember, you can’t change others, you can only change yourself. Then ask yourself, “Do I really want to change the situation.” You would be surprised at how many clients I have, that say, “I want to rid myself of xyz”, but when we start digging, they are petrified to let go of xyz. XYZ has become a huge part of their identity, their story, their sympathy and maybe the only way thus far that they’ve been able to receive attention and nurturing. For some, it is how they stay connected and bonded to their friends or family. There are many reasons for people holding on to negative patterns or dis-ease, but if it lasts longer than a year, it is purely emotional. You see, the body has the innate and keen capability of regenerating and repairing…that is what it does best. Within 11 months time, all of our cells are brand-spanking-new…fresh out of the cell generator…perfect and untainted! It is our thoughts and belief system that taint them. If we continue to believe, or want to believe that we are still sick, we will inform our cells of this, and they will act accordingly. If you chose to deal with those deep emotions and trauma and move towards a place of peace, forgiveness, and acceptance, the cells can regenerate and move on. You can choose to inform your mind, and therefore your cells, otherwise.
Maybe, even realizing this, you would still like to stay in passive/victim mode where you prefer not to be the one “in charge”, “to blame”, to “celebrate”, etc. That is all good and fine, but don’t curse God every time something goes wrong, unless you are curing your inner God or co-creator. You see, you are the boss, the creator, the God of your mind, body and soul. If you decide to accept this “fate” and to free yourself from any responsibility, that is fine. Just accept that the power was in your hands, and you chose to reject it and stay in a holding pattern for a while. No judgment. Accept that whatever it is that you are dealing with is still teaching you something, protecting you from something, and serving you in some way. Then, I suggest you check back in with the issue after a month, 3 months, 6 months, and a year, and journal the same questions:
1. What are you still teaching me/ what am I still learning from you?
2. What are you still protecting me from?
3. Who are you connecting me to?
4. How else are you still serving me?
5. What part of myself/identity am I at risk of losing if you leave me?
6. Am I ready to let this go
7. Can I accept the consequences for my decision no matter what it is (commitment to get better, or commitment to stay in that place for a while longer)?
When and if you are ready to let whatever dis-ease, ailment or nuance go, you will know when you are ready, and you will be prepared and excited to do so and to alter your role in the situation accordingly…Until then, accept that you have accepted the current conditions.
Other times, you need to accept something that can’t be changed, unless you take extreme measures such as operation. Accept and honor that third nipple of yours, your unique bone structure, that your parents are in fact your parents (at least accept that you were created from them and share a lot of DNA and cellular memory), accept that you live on the planet at this time, and accept that the skin that you are in is the beautiful shade that it is.
Once again, when you decide to either accept or change a current situation, you can move on, for the time being. I love the Serenity Prayer and share it with you. When you are feeling stuck, ask for help from both the universal God, and your internal God, or creator.