Space With Grace ~ FINAL CHALLENGE!

According to Feng Shui, there are a million things that are suggested, in order to keep your space optimally energized, taking into consideration the elements, numbers, colors, shapes, etc. This can be overwhelming, so I have designed a plan for you that is do-able and maintainable, which contain the tactics that I believe are the most advantageous. Below, I have included the nine baquas (quadrants of your space which each signify different ares of your life) in more detail. If you are feeling courageous and up to it, go to town! However, life is about balance, and although summer has come to an end there is still an opportunity to play. The sun, I believe, is one of the biggest and most effective healing tools out there…and its free and abundantly available in the summer. Have fun in the sun, and perhaps dedicate one hour each week this month to re-organize, and therefore galvanize and re-energize…word!

Here is my basic, fool-proof plan: There is a direct correlation between surrounding yourself in energy that is alive and feeling more alive and renewed. Just as eating veggies is a great way to boost your life-force energy, so is having plants around. Bring as much live and vibrant energy into the home in the form of plants and flowers…and cute puppies and babies if that is appropriate for your life plan at the time (be sure to run this by first with roommies or significant others first, or no amount of feng shui could restore the household harmony). Also, be sure to cut dried leaves from your plants. Studies show that dead leaves can bring down the vibration of the rest of the plant, and therefore, your life. I recently went into a friend’s apartment who was bitching about a lack of money…I peered over at her “money” baqua, and a plant, as dead as a doornail, sat squarely in the center. “Dude, your money is dried up because your plant is”, I exclaimed. Swapping that one for a robust one got her money flowing in no time. Keep the green alive by keeping the green alive!

Week two- get rid of the baggage…literally!                                                                                            So, now that you’ve de-cluttered, make sure your remaining precious possessions are stored nicely and neatly and that, if possible, you don’t have a big garbage bag in your room. Keep trash to a minimum and in the kitchen, if possible. A friend of mine was recently complaining that all of her relationships carried so much emotional baggage. Upon entering her bedroom, her “love and relationship bagua” (far right corner) had a trashcan, some filled suitcases and duffel bags and a pile of shopping bags! As soon as she removed the physical baggage, the emotional baggage lessened. While you are at it, remove baggage from under your bed. I went through a period where I was feeling heavy emotional and physically, and just not my healthy self. I thought I was being savvy and making the most of my small space by storing bags filled with crap underneath my bed. My bed was in the middle of room ( the health bagua). As soon as I removed the excess baggage, my physical and emotional weight began to decrease, and my health become optimal once again.

Week 3- Get Rid of Counter-Intuitive Objects and Replace Them With Sensible Ones
You can chose to study about the baguas, or just use some common sense for this one. A gay friend of mine was complaining about how he couldn’t meet any good men in the city and how they all left him feeling “high and dry” and were teases (geeze, it seems men of all types share this propensity). I peered in his love and relationship corner (top right) and I shit you not, there was a pair of blue balls resting there (apparently some sort of exercise apparatus)! “No wonder you are so sexually frustrated, I exclaimed, “You have blue balls in your space, and therefore in your body”. I promptly removed them from that corner and replaced them with a nice red thong (appropriate for all sexualities) and a picture of some roses. He went out that night and reported back to me “very satisfied”. Another woman was trying to get pregnant, and in her children bagua ( middle right ), her husband stored his gun and knife collection. Nuff said. She replaced it with a whimsical picture of two children dancing and became pregnant within six months. Anything soft and or playful (even a musical instrument) would be appropriate in that corner.

Week 4- Clear and Protect Your Space
Now that you’ve de-cluttered and cleared on a physical level, it would be wise to clear out any residual ,non-tangible energy that might be lingering and to also protect your new and improved space. Space clearings can be as easy or as complicated as you like, but remember, it is all about intention. I recommend the following quick and easy way to clear your space…and it is super fun and it gives you an excuse to act like a lunatic child again. Grab some pots and pans and some wooden spoons and march around your house having a tantrum. Yell like a kid, “this is my space! Mine! Not yours, mine! Unless you are from love and light, you are NOT welcome, and I respectfully demand that you either leave, or transmute yourself into positive energy.” Then, light some sage or incense and carry it around your home, paying special attention to the corners, windows, etc. and asking the smoke to clear any negative energy. Marinate for a while in places where there might have been a heated argument or tragic phone call, etc. Lastly, picture your space surrounded by a ball of light, or shield that is only permeable to love and light and nothing else. Ask your angels to perch themselves in the corners to offer further loving protection.

OK soldiers, hop to it….happy healing!

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